Short term inflammation is an important part of the healing process if you cut your finger. However, a lot of us are in a state of low level chronic inflammation due to poor dietary choices and unstable blood-sugar levels. Low level gut inflammation due to the Standard American Diet of processed foods, sugar and flour can result in muscle and brain inflammation. And this can this result in back, neck or muscle pain and even cause bloating,...
Why do I hurt? Part 4 – Dehydration
This is a really simple hack! Each of our cells is composed 70% of water. Many of us are in a chronicaly dehydrated state due to too much caffeine/alcohol. If we drink tea (including green) and coffee throughout the day and alcohol in the evenings we most likely fall into this category. If your urine is a yellow colour then you are also likely to be somewhat dehydrated. Stiffness in the muscles, headaches, fatigue and over time even joint...
Why do I hurt? Part 3 – Muscle weakness
In my experience as a chiropractor 70% of the people who I see with spinal misalignments have really poor muscle tone. If your muscles are weak due to not enough use, or too much or too little weight, then the muscles are unable to support and control your spine and bones to their full capacity. Sitting at a desk for 40 hours a week adds insult to injury. Your muscles get lazy when sitting and you end up adopting a poor posture. This provides a...
Christmas opening hours
Just a quick message about opening hours over the festive period. I have one appointment available tomorrow if anyone needs a pre-Christmas fix and then I won’t be in clinic until New Year’s Eve. Reception will be available over most of the Christmas period to take your calls. If we’re not seeing you tomorrow we hope you have a happy Christmas with family and friends.
A good night’s sleep…
A few years ago I spent a week yanking the pillow out from under my wife’s sleeping head every night for a week. She wasn’t happy but honestly it was for her own good… She loved sleeping on her front but it is SO bad for you. Eventually I stuck hair pins on the front of her pyjamas until she stopped sleeping on her front. It sounds cruel but it’s helped her neck! So yes, how you sleep really can affect your alignment. Sleeping on your...
Why do I hurt? Part 1 – Blue light
Over the coming weeks I will be writing a series of blogs about the stresses in our lives which can cause spinal misalignment, tension, pain and inflammation. I find in practice that the majority of patients’ health issues are caused by one of the following 9 causative stresses: Weak muscles (lack of movement, a sedentary lifestyle) Mental / emotional stress SAD (Standard American Diet) Sleep deprivation Blue light exposure Dehydration Sleeping...